Suffering from Tailbone Pain During Pregnancy

If you have tailbone pain during pregnancy—it probably feels like you can never catch a break.

Tailbone pain is persistent, and it can manifest as a dull, achy pain while sitting or standing. However, sudden movements, standing for prolonged periods, sexual activity, and pooping can all trigger sharp, stabbing tailbone pain.

So, what can you do to relieve tailbone pain during pregnancy? Fortunately, we have a list of stretches you can try to relax your pelvic muscles and experience relief from your tailbone pain during pregnancy!

What Are the Causes of Tailbone Pain During Pregnancy?

If you were to look at your body’s skeletal structure, you would see the lower part of your sacrum and the tailbone situated between the two sides of your pelvis at the end of your spine.

Did you know three layers of muscle attach to the pelvic floor? That’s right—three! And your tailbone is attached to the deepest layer of muscles within the pelvic floor. These muscles support the rectal tissue, uterus, ovaries, bladder, and other pelvic organs within your body, so your tailbone becomes strained when these muscles are stretched.

Naturally, as the organs in your pelvic floor begin to expand, shift, and change, the muscles that support these organs may become tight. Since the tailbone is attached to these muscles, it can cause your tailbone to become achy.

Stretches & Tips to Relieve Tailbone Pain

Fortunately, you don’t have to live with a sore, achy tailbone for the remainder of your pregnancy! You can try the following three stretches and exercises to relieve (and prevent!) tailbone pain during pregnancy.

1. Reverse Kegels

To perform this exercise, you’ll need to be seated on a soft surface, like a couch or the edge of your bed, with your feet planted firmly on the floor. You should feel your sit bones sink into the surface and feel your labial tissue resting on the soft surface.

Breathe deeply into your diaphragm and pelvic floor as you inhale and relax. You should feel a slight increase in pressure on the cushion. Then, as you exhale, you should feel your body rise slightly off the cushion. We call this breathing movement “filling and emptying.”

Then, when you’re filling your body with air, squeeze slightly in the pubic area, like you would before you’re about to use the restroom—you’ll inhale, slightly press, and then exhale. Repeat this process several times to relieve tailbone pain during pregnancy.

2. Cat-Cow

You can perform cat-cow stretches on the floor (on a soft surface, like a yoga mat) or the edge of the bed. Regardless of where you choose to perform this exercise, ensure your wrists and ankles are comfortable when you’re on all fours on your hands and knees.

First, inhale and look upward. Then, lift your tailbone upward and allow your back to sink, and let your belly hang. This movement spreads the space between the tailbone and the sit bone and will enable you to relax your pelvic floor. You can stay in this position for several deep breaths until you feel your body start to relax.

On your next exhale, round your back slightly. Instead of completely arching your back like the traditional “cat-cow” position, focus on relaxing your head and resting your shoulders while keeping your tailbone and glutes relaxed.

3. Deep Squat at the Kitchen Sink

Head into the kitchen and find your kitchen sink for the last stretch. Since your kitchen sink is typically higher, sturdier, and squared off, it provides a great place to get into a squatting position with some extra support. This squat is not an exercise for strength—it’s a movement to relax your lower back, tailbone, and pelvic floor muscles.

First, wrap your hands firmly around the kitchen sink, and find a comfortable stance for your hips and knees. Then, slowly lower your body down until you’re comfortably squatting. Your arms will likely be elongated, stretching down your whole ribcage, and your hips and tailbone will be in a relaxed, seated position.

Once you are in the squatting position, you can move your feet, knees, and hips to find the most comfortable spot. Stay in this position for at least thirty seconds or until you feel tailbone relief.

Treat Your Tailbone Pain During Pregnancy with Moment of Truth Physical Therapy

If you’re still suffering from tailbone pain during pregnancy after trying these exercises, come visit us at Moment of Truth Physical Therapy in Peoria, Arizona.

We can do internal and external work to help alleviate tailbone tension by mobilizing and releasing tight tissues and strengthening weak muscles. We guide you through comfortable stretches, manual therapy, vaginal work, and rectal work to help you have a pain-free pregnancy!

Contact our experienced team to set up your free discovery session.

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